Source code for mobrob_behcon.strategies.strategy
#!/usr/bin/env python
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
[docs]class Strategy():
The abstract class Strategy
Every inherited class needs a method plan(),
which will be called in every polling cycle
and will update the built in statemachine.
Every state of the statemachine consist of a behaviourgroup.
The method plan() will set, depending on the status
of the the different behaviourgroups, those behaviourgroup as active.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
lst_behgrps = []
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.beh_node = None
self.finish = False
[docs] def set_node(self, beh_node):
Sets the active BehConNode, where it has been added to.
:param beh_node: node of type BehConNode
:return: returns nothing
self.beh_node = beh_node
[docs] @abstractmethod
def plan(self):
This method is called in every polling cycle.
Needs to be implemented by child-class to update statemachine.
[docs] def is_finished(self):
Returns if stratgy in finish-state
:return: True if statemachine is in finish-state, else False
return self.finish
[docs] def add_behgrp(self, behgrp):
add behaviour sroup to strategy
:param behgrp: behaviour group
:type behgrp: BehaviourGroup
[docs] def activate_exclusive(self, behgrp):
activate given behaviour group (need to be added before to strategy)
:param behgrp: behaviour group
:type behgrp: BehaviourGroup
for bg in self.lst_behgrps:
if bg != behgrp: