Source code for mobrob_behcon.core.visualisation

#!/usr/bin/env python

import cv2
import numpy as np
import rospy
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

from mobrob_behcon.utils.mobrob_transformation import *
from mobrob_slam.utils.graphical_functions import cov2elli

[docs]class KOOSVisu(object): """ The class KOOSVisu This class represents a visualization of the robot environment from a bird's eye view. The different classes like Laser Scanner or Behaviour can draw on the canvas. Output is published as a video stream via a ROS Publisher. """ colours = [(0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), (255, 255, 0)]
[docs] def __init__(self): """ constructor """ self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("image_koosvisu", Image, queue_size=10) self.bridge = CvBridge() self.width = 600 self.height = 600 self.scale = 200.0 self.clear_image() self.current_pose = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def clear_image(self): """ Clears the canvas. """ # create empty image self.img = np.zeros([self.width, self.height, 3], dtype=np.uint8)
[docs] def send_image(self): """ Sends out the canvas via the ROS publisher. """ self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(self.img, "bgr8")) self.clear_image()
[docs] def to_visu_coord(self, point): """ Converts a point in world coordinates to pixel coordinates on canvas. :param point: point to be converted to pixel coord :type point: number[2] :return: pixel coordinates on canvas :rtype: (int, int) """ point = np.array(point).reshape(2, -1) x = point[0, :] y = point[1, :] x_center = self.width / 2 y_center = self.height / 2 x_visu = x_center - (y * self.scale) y_visu = y_center - (x * self.scale) if point.size == 2: return int(x_visu[0]), int(y_visu[0]) else: return np.vstack((x_visu, y_visu)).astype(np.int32)
[docs] def set_current_pose(self, current_pose): """ Setter for robots current pose :param current_pose: current pose of robot in world space (x, y, yaw) :type current_pose: (float, float, float) """ self.current_pose = current_pose
[docs] def draw_origin_world(self): line_width = 2 # int(0.001 * self.scale) # X axis cv2.arrowedLine(self.img, self.to_visu_coord((0, 0)), self.to_visu_coord((1, 0)), color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=line_width) # Y axis cv2.arrowedLine(self.img, self.to_visu_coord((0, 0)), self.to_visu_coord((0, 1)), color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=line_width)
[docs] def draw_robot(self, color=(0, 255, 0)): """ Draws the robot on the canvas as rectangle with the given color. :param color: color of robot on canvas, defaults to (0, 255, 0) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) """ LF, RF, RB, LB = get_robot_corners(self.current_pose) LM = (np.array(LF) + np.array(LB)) / 2 RM = (np.array(RF) + np.array(RB)) / 2 FM = (np.array(LF) + np.array(RF)) / 2 line_width = 2 # int(0.001 * self.scale) # rect cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(LF), self.to_visu_coord(RF), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(RF), self.to_visu_coord(RB), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(RB), self.to_visu_coord(LB), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(LB), self.to_visu_coord(LF), color, thickness=line_width) # triangle cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(FM), self.to_visu_coord(RM), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(RM), self.to_visu_coord(LM), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(LM), self.to_visu_coord(FM), color, thickness=line_width)
[docs] def draw_box(self, pt1, pt2, color=(255, 0, 0)): """ Draws a box on the canvas. Box is defined by two points in robot space. :param pt1: Right back point of box in robot space (x, y) :type pt1: (float, float) :param pt2: Left front point of box in robot space (x, y) :type pt2: (float, float) :param color: color of box on canvas, defaults to (255, 0, 0) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) """ LF = get_world_coordinate(self.current_pose, pt2[0], pt2[1]) RF = get_world_coordinate(self.current_pose, pt2[0], pt1[1]) RB = get_world_coordinate(self.current_pose, pt1[0], pt1[1]) LB = get_world_coordinate(self.current_pose, pt1[0], pt2[1]) line_width = 2 # int(0.001 * self.scale) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(LF), self.to_visu_coord(RF), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(RF), self.to_visu_coord(RB), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(RB), self.to_visu_coord(LB), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord(LB), self.to_visu_coord(LF), color, thickness=line_width)
[docs] def draw_point_laser(self, point, color=(255, 255, 255)): """ Draws a dot on canvas. The dot is defined by one point in laser space. :param point: point in laser space (x, y) :type point: (float, float) :param color: color of dot on canvas, defaults to (255, 255, 255) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) """ point = np.array(point).flatten() assert point.size == 2, "wrong shape of laser point" + str(point) if abs(point[0]) < 100 and abs(point[1]) < 100: (x_robot, y_robot) = get_robot_coordinate(point[0], point[1]) # print((x_robot, y_robot)) (x_visu, y_visu) = self.to_visu_coord(get_world_coordinate(self.current_pose, x_robot, y_robot)) # (x_visu, y_visu) = self.to_visu_coord(get_world_coordinate(self.current_pose, point[0], point[1])) radius = int(0.005 * self.scale) if 0 < x_visu < self.width and 0 < y_visu < self.height:, (x_visu, y_visu), radius, color, -1)
[docs] def draw_points_laser(self, lst_points, color=(255, 255, 255)): """ Draws a list of points to canvas. :param lst_points: list of points (defined in laser space) :type lst_points: list of (float, float) :param color: color of dot on canvas, defaults to (255, 255, 255) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) """ if isinstance(lst_points, list): for i in range(len(lst_points)): self.draw_point_laser(lst_points[i], color) else: lst_points = np.array(lst_points) assert lst_points.shape[0] == 2, "point array as wrong shape, should be (2, -1)" for i in range(lst_points.shape[1]): self.draw_point_laser(lst_points[:, i], color)
[docs] def draw_cluster_points_laser(self, points, cluster_labels): """ Draws a list of clustered points to canvas. Six different colors are available to color the clusters differently. :param points: list of points (defined in laser space) :type points: list of (float, float) :param cluster_labels: list of cluster labels, the list has to have the same length as points :type cluster_labels: list of int """ for i in range(len(points)): if cluster_labels[i] == -1: self.draw_point_laser(points[i], (255, 255, 255)) else: self.draw_point_laser(points[i], self.colours[cluster_labels[i] % 6])
[docs] def draw_point_world(self, point, color=(255, 255, 255)): """ Draws a dot on canvas. The dot is defined by one point in world space. :param point: point in world space (x, y) :type point: (float, float) :param color: color of dot on canvas, defaults to (255, 255, 255) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) """ point = np.array(point).flatten() assert point.size == 2, "wrong shape of point" + str(point) if abs(point[0]) < 100 and abs(point[1]) < 100: (x_visu, y_visu) = self.to_visu_coord(point) radius = int(0.005 * self.scale) if 0 < x_visu < self.width and 0 < y_visu < self.height:, (x_visu, y_visu), radius, color, -1)
[docs] def draw_points_world(self, lst_points, color=(255, 255, 255)): """ Draws a list of points to canvas. points are defined in world space :param lst_points: list of points (defined in world space) :type lst_points: list of (float, float) :param color: color of dot on canvas, defaults to (255, 255, 255) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) """ for i in range(len(lst_points)): self.draw_point_world(lst_points[i], color)
[docs] def draw_line_world(self, slope, offset, color=(0, 0, 255)): x_max = self.width / self.scale x = np.arange(-x_max, x_max) y = slope * x + offset line_width = 2 # int(0.001 * self.scale) cv2.line(self.img, self.to_visu_coord((x[0], y[0])), self.to_visu_coord((x[-1], y[-1])), color, thickness=line_width)
[docs] def draw_cross_world(self, point, color=(128, 128, 0), size=2): point = np.array(point).flatten() assert point.size == 2, "wrong shape of point" + str(point) if abs(point[0]) < 100 and abs(point[1]) < 100: (x_visu, y_visu) = self.to_visu_coord(point) if 0 < x_visu < self.width and 0 < y_visu < self.height: line_width = size # int(0.001 * self.scale) cv2.line(self.img, (x_visu + 10 * size, y_visu), (x_visu - 10 * size, y_visu), color, thickness=line_width) cv2.line(self.img, (x_visu, y_visu + 10 * size), (x_visu, y_visu - 10 * size), color, thickness=line_width)
[docs] def draw_crosses_world(self, lst_points, color=(255, 255, 255), size=2): """ Draws a list of crosses to canvas. :param lst_points: list of points (defined in world space) :type lst_points: list of (float, float) :param color: color of dot on canvas, defaults to (255, 255, 255) :type color: (byte, byte, byte) :param size: size of crosses, defaults to 2 :type: int """ if isinstance(lst_points, list): for i in range(len(lst_points)): self.draw_cross_world(lst_points[i], color, size) else: lst_points = np.array(lst_points) assert lst_points.shape[0] == 2, "point array as wrong shape, should be (2, -1), is " + str(lst_points.shape) for i in range(lst_points.shape[1]): self.draw_cross_world(lst_points[:, i], color, size)
[docs] def draw_ellipse_world(self, point, covariance, sigma, color=(0, 128, 128)): point = np.array(point).flatten() assert point.size == 2, "wrong shape of point" + str(point) assert covariance.shape == (2, 2), "wrong shape of covariance" + str(covariance) xx, yy = cov2elli(point, covariance, sigma, 16) pts = self.to_visu_coord(np.vstack((xx, yy))).T.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) line_width = 2 # int(0.001 * self.scale) cv2.polylines(self.img, [pts], isClosed=True, color=color, thickness=line_width)