Source code for mobrob_behcon.behaviours.beh_turn
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import math
from mobrob_behcon.behaviours.behaviour import Behaviour
from mobrob_behcon.core.perceptual_space import PerceptualSpace
from mobrob_behcon.desires.desires import DesRotVel
[docs]class BehTurn(Behaviour):
The class BehTurn
This class is a child of the class Behaviour representing
a behaviour which turns the robot a given angle.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, degrees=90, rot_vel=0.2):
:param name: name of behaviour
:type name: string
:param degrees: angle by which the robot should rotate [deg], defaults to 90
:type degrees: int, optional
:param rot_vel: rotation speed [m/s], defaults to 0.2
:type rot_vel: float, optional
super(BehTurn, self).__init__(name)
self.degrees = degrees
self.rot_vel = abs(rot_vel)
self.init = True
[docs] @staticmethod
def normalize_angle(angle):
Function to normalize an given angle
:param angle: angle to be normalized [rad]
:type angle: float
:return: normalized angle in range [-pi, pi]
:rtype: float
newAngle = angle
while newAngle <= -math.pi:
newAngle += 2*math.pi
while newAngle > math.pi:
newAngle -= 2*math.pi
return newAngle
[docs] def fire(self):
The fire()-method, which is necessary in every Behaviour,
will be called by resolver in every polling cycle.
# during first run save starting position of robot
if self.init:
self.start_pose, _ = self.percept_space.egopose.get_current_pose()
rospy.loginfo("BehTurn - degrees: %s, start_pose: %s, target:%s", str(self.degrees), str(self.start_pose[2]), str(self.start_pose[2] + math.radians(self.degrees)))
self.target_orientation = BehTurn.normalize_angle(self.start_pose[2] + math.radians(self.degrees))
self.init = False
# get current position of robot
current_pose, _ = self.percept_space.egopose.get_current_pose()
# calc difference between current and target orientation
diff_angle = self.target_orientation - current_pose[2]
# log important infoss
rospy.loginfo("BehTurn - current=%s, target=%s, diff=%s", str(current_pose[2]), str(self.target_orientation), str(diff_angle))
# check if difference is larger then tolerance,
if abs(math.degrees(diff_angle)) > 5:
# if so create desire to rotate robot in the necessary direction
if self.degrees > 0:
self.add_desire(DesRotVel(self.rot_vel, 0.6))
self.add_desire(DesRotVel(-1 * self.rot_vel, 0.6))
# if difference is small enough mark this behaviour as successful
rospy.loginfo("BehTurn - success")
self.add_desire(DesRotVel(0.0, 1.0))