Source code for mobrob_behcon.behaviours.beh_transvel
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from mobrob_behcon.behaviours.behaviour import Behaviour
from mobrob_behcon.core.perceptual_space import PerceptualSpace
from mobrob_behcon.desires.desires import DesTransVel, DesTransDir
[docs]class BehConstTransVel(Behaviour):
The class BehConstTransVel
This class is a child of the class Behaviour representing
a behaviour which drives the robot with constant speed.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, trans_vel=0.2, trans_dir=0.0):
:param name: name of behaviour
:type name: string
:param trans_vel: speed at which the robot should move [m/s], defaults to 0.2
:type trans_vel: float, optional
:param trans_dir: direction in which the robot should move [deg], defaults to 0.0
:type trans_dir: float, optional
super(BehConstTransVel, self).__init__(name)
self.trans_vel = trans_vel
self.trans_dir = trans_dir
[docs] def fire(self):
The fire()-method, which is necessary in every Behaviour,
will be called by resolver in every polling cycle.
# create desires to move the robot in given direction with given speed
self.add_desire(DesTransVel(self.trans_vel, 0.5))
self.add_desire(DesTransDir(self.trans_dir, 0.5))